Poetry : Creation

(This is the english version of my  bengali poetry  'Sristy'.

The seed  kisses the  soil
He  said  ' love  me  a little'

The earth said to the sky
Get me a little wet
Get  muddy  with  joy
I  will  embrace  the  seed.

The  sky said to cloud.
It rained a day.
The seed said ' Sun God
Give  me  some light'
Surjadev  said,'Tathastu'

The  warmth  of  hugs  and  love
A  self - deprived seed  delights in oxygen
Dream of  creation  seen  in golden light.
A green plant emerges from the seed.

Poet : Dr. Goutam Kumar Mallick

Tathastu a bengali word meaning 'as proposed'
Surjadev a bengali word meaning 'The Sun God'


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